Academic Director Message

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Greetings and welcome to DCM family!

In this new venture let us encourage our children to put forth their challenges and problems to the Principal and teachers and help them gain confidence and build a repo with the DCM family.

New session begins with hope. Let us together resolve to see that our children are coming to school well prepared, in proper school uniform and always punctual. Let us ensure a constant contact with each other to create conducive environment for them. Let us also resolve that the values that are imparted in school to the children are reinforced at home. Have respect for learning. It will help your child to do well in the school. Be patient and good listener to your child. Encourage him/her to take care of her belongings.

Communicate to the teacher /Principal any matter of care with regard to the feedback you receive from your child. It may help the child gain confidence. Child’s real development can take place only by joint efforts of the school and the parents. Please feel free to communicate with us.

DCM family is committed to provide facilities like well stocked library at the disposal of students with different sections for all types of books. Smart class /Digital classrooms to create learning atmosphere interesting, well equipped Science labs, computer lab to give practical hands on to learn by doing. Transport facility, well laid playground to name a few. We are committed for your child’s all-round development. Sincere efforts will be taken by teachers to take care of your child and incorporate values in teaching subjects.

“Let us go, invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday.”

Mrs. Sujata Aapte,
Academic Director,
DCM School, Indore.

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