Visual and Performing Art

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The DCM School recognizes the magnitude of creativeness and ingeniousness in the life of a student. The holistic learning environment provided by the school caters to every child's academic, physical and emotional development within a balanced educational programme. Involvement with performing art , craft and hues permits students' multiple intelligences to be acknowledged, developed and appreciated. Children learn and think differently and possess verbal, physical and interpersonal skills, logical and intuitive thinking and spatial and kinaesthetic intelligences. The school has following services to groom student's expressions and perceptions:

Art & Craft
Public Speaking
  • There are separate rooms for imparting training in the field of visual and performing art.
  • Students are taught to give reign to their imagination and create their own masterpieces.
  • Students create wonderful items e.g. acrylic, glass paintings, fabric paintings, soft toys, artworks from waste material , water colour, poster colours, oil pastels, collages, constructions with cloth and paper, clay modelling, terracotta in plaster and wood, etc.
  • Professional instructors are present at all times to guide students and encourage them to use their own observations, imagination, and ideas for their creations.
  • Students are also coached to recognize, understand, and appreciate timeless works of art from this country and around the world.
Admission Enquiry